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Certificación de Profesores, Jueces y DJ's

Certificación de Profesores


Las profesoras estarán cualificadas en 3 niveles:  Associate (Bronce), Licentiate (Plata), and Fellow (Oro).


Ya sea que se haga virtualmente en Zoom o en persona, el solicitante primero debe ser miembro actual de Ocoldanza y estar al día.

1. El solicitante debe mostrar 4 figuras (Bronce, Plata u Oro) del Baile Deportivo en el que está certificando. Estas figuras serán elegidas por el examinador de Ocoldanza al azar.

2. El solicitante debe mostrar estas 4 figuras haciendo la parte de hombre y mujer individualmente, describiendo las cantidades de giro, la colocación del pie y el tiempo.

3. El aspirante bailará con una pareja al ritmo de la música durante un mínimo de 1 minuto, ya sea como hombre o mujer, demostrando al menos 6 pasos del nivel en el que se está certificando. Esto demostrará su capacidad para poder mezclar los patrones cómodamente.

4. Al solicitante se le darán 3 preguntas para responder sobre el liderazgo y el seguimiento. 

5. La calificación de la prueba comprenderá un 50 por ciento en el punto número dos, un 25 por ciento en el punto número tres y un 25 por ciento en el punto número cuatro. El solicitante debe recibir al menos un 80 por ciento de puntaje total para ser certificado. 


Al finalizar con éxito, el Solicitante recibirá su certificado de certificación con el Sello Corporativo de Ocoldanza.

Tarifa de certificación para profesionales:

Bronze: $ 45,000

Silver: $ 35,000

Gold: $25,000




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Nota: *Las figuras Pre-Bronce forman parte del plan de estudios del nivel Bronce.  Lista de pasos en Latin


Cha Cha


    1. Basic Movements (Closed, Open, In Place)

    2. New York (to Left or Right Side Position)

    3. Spot Turns to Left or Right (including Switch and Underarm Turns)

    4. Shoulder to Shoulder (Left Side and Right Side)

    5. Hand to Hand (to Right and Left Side Position)

    6. Three Cha Cha Chas (Forward and Back)

    7. Side Steps (to Left or Right)

    8. There and Back

    9. Time Steps



    1. Fan

    2. Alemana

    3. Hockey Stick

    4. Natural Top

    5. Natural Opening Out Movement

    6. Closed Hip Twist



    1. Open Hip Twist

    2. Reverse Top

    3. Opening Out from Reverse Top

    4. Aida

    5. Spiral Turns (Spiral, Curl, Rope Spinning)

    6. Cross Basic

    7. Cuban Breaks (including Split Cuban Breaks)

    8. Chase


  • GOLD

    1. Advanced Hip Twist

    2. Hip Twist Spiral

    3. Turkish Towel

    4. Sweetheart

    5. Follow My Leader

    6. Foot Changes




    1. Basic Movements (Closed, Open, In Place, Alternative)

    2. Cucarachas (LF and RF)

    3. New York (to Left or Right Side Position)

    4. Spot Turns to Left or Right (including Switch and Underarm Turns)

    5. Shoulder to Shoulder (Left Side and Right Side)

    6. Hand to Hand (to Right and Left Side Position)

    7. Progressive Walks Forward or Back

    8. Side Steps (to Left or Right)

    9. Cuban Rocks



    1. Fan

    2. Alemana

    3. Hockey Stick

    4. Natural Top

    5. Opening Out to Right and Left

    6. Natural Opening Out Movement

    7. Closed Hip Twist



    1. Open Hip Twist

    2. Reverse Top

    3. Opening Out from Reverse Top

    4. Aida

    5. Spiral Turns (Spiral, Curl, Rope Spinning)


  • GOLD

    1. Sliding Doors

    2. Fencing

    3. Three Threes

    4. Three Alemanas

    5. Hip Twists (Advanced, Continuous, Circular)




    1. Basic Movements (Natural, Reverse, Side, Progressive)

    2. Whisks (also with Lady's underarm turn)

    3. Samba Walks (Promenade, Side, Stationary)

    4. Rhythm Bounce

    5. Volta Movements

    6. Travelling Bota Fogos Forward

    7. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (Shadow Bota Fogos)



    1. Travelling Bota Fogos Back

    2. Bota Fogos to Promenade and Counter Promenade

    3. Criss Cross Voltas

    4. Solo Spot Volta

    5. Foot Changes

    6. Shadow Travelling Volta

    7. Reverse Turn

    8. Corta Jaca

    9. Closed Rocks



    1. Open Rocks

    2. Back Rocks

    3. Plait

    4. Rolling off the Arm

    5. Argentine Crosses

    6. Maypole

    7. Shadow Circular Volta


  • GOLD

    1. Contra Botafogos

    2. Roundabout

    3. Natural Roll

    4. Reverse Roll

    5. Promenade and Counter Promenade Runs

    6. Three Step Turn

    7. Samba Locks

    8. Cruzados Walks and Locks




    1. Basic in Place

    2. Fallaway Rock

    3. Fallaway Throwaway

    4. Link

    5. Change of Places Right to Left

    6. Change of Places Left to Right

    7. Change of Hands Behind Back

    8. Hip Bump (Left Shoulder Shove)



    1. American Spin

    2. Walks

    3. Stop and Go

    4. Mooch

    5. Whip

    6. Whip Throwaway



    1. Reverse Whip

    2. Windmill

    3. Spanish Arms

    4. Rolling off the Arm

    5. Simple Spin

    6. Miami Special


  • GOLD

    1. Curly Whip

    2. Shoulder Spin

    3. Toe Heel Swivels

    4. Chugging

    5. Chicken Walks

    6. Catapult

    7. Stalking Walks, Flicks and Break


Paso Doble


    1. Sur Place

    2. Basic Movement

    3. Chasses to Right or Left (including Elevations)

    4. Drag

    5. Deplacement (also Attack)

    6. Promenade Link (also Promenade Close)

    7. Promenade

    8. Ecart (Fallaway Whisk)

    9. Separation

    10. Separation with Lady's Caping Walk



    1. Fallaway Ending to Separation

    2. Huit

    3. Sixteen

    4. Promenade and Counter Promenade

    5. Grand Circle

    6. Open Telemark



    1. La Passe

    2. Banderillas

    3. Twist Turn

    4. Fallaway Reverse Turn

    5. Coup de Pique

    6. Left Foot Variation

    7. Spanish Lines

    8. Flamenco Taps


  • GOLD

    1. Syncopated Separation

    2. Travelling Spins from PP

    3. Travelling Spins from CPP

    4. Fregolina (also Farol)

    5. Twists

    6. Chasse Cape (including Outside Turn)






    1. Closed Changes

    2. Natural Turn

    3. Reverse Turn

    4. Natural Spin Turn

    5. Whisk

    6. Chasse from PP



    1. Closed Impetus

    2. Hesitation Change

    3. Outside Change

    4. Reverse Corte

    5. Back Whisk

    6. Basic Weave

    7. Double Reverse Spin

    8. Reverse Pivot

    9. Back Lock

    10. Progressive Chasse to R



    1. Weave from PP

    2. Closed Telemark

    3. Open Telemark and Cross Hesitation

    4. Open Telemark and Wing

    5. Open Impetus and Cross Hesitation

    6. Open Impetus and Wing

    7. Outside Spin

    8. Turning Lock

    9. Drag Hesitation


  • GOLD

    1. Left Whisk

    2. Contra Check

    3. Closed Wing

    4. Turning Lock to R

    5. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot

    6. Hover Corte

    7. Fallaway Whisk




    1. Quarter Turn to R

    2. Natural Turn

    3. Natural Turn with Hesitation

    4. Natural Pivot Turn

    5. Natural Spin Turn

    6. Progressive Chasse

    7. Chasse Reverse Turn

    8. Forward Lock

    9. Quarter Turn to Left (Heel Pivot)



    1. Closed Impetus

    2. Backward Lock

    3. Reverse Pivot

    4. Progressive Chasse to R

    5. Tipple Chasse to R

    6. Running Finish

    7. Natural Turn and Back Lock

    8. Double Reverse Spin

    9. Zig Zag, Back Lock, Running Finish

    10. Cross Chasse

    11. Change of Direction



    1. Quick Open Reverse

    2. Fishtail

    3. Running Right Turn

    4. Four Quick Run

    5. V6

    6. Closed Telemark


  • GOLD

    1. Cross Swivel

    2. Six Quick Run

    3. Rumba Cross

    4. Tipsy to Right and Left

    5. Hover Corte




    1. Walk

    2. Progressive Side Step

    3. Progressive Link

    4. Closed Promenade

    5. Rock Turn

    6. Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside

    7. Back Corte



    1. Open Reverse Turn, Lady in Line

    2. Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn

    3. Open Promenade

    4. LF and RF Rocks

    5. Natural Twist Turn

    6. Natural Promenade Turn



    1. Promenade Link

    2. Four Step

    3. Back Open Promenade

    4. Outside Swivels

    5. Fallaway Promenade

    6. Four Step Change

    7. Brush Tap


  • GOLD

    1. Fallaway Four Step

    2. Oversway

    3. Basic Reverse Turn

    4. The Chase

    5. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot

    6. Five Step

    7. Contra Check

    Note: An Open Finish may replace a Closed Finish at any time.



    1. Feather

    2. Three Step

    3. Natural Turn

    4. Reverse Turn with Feather Finish

    5. Closed Impetus with Feather Finish



    1. Natural Weave

    2. Change of Direction

    3. Basic Weave



    1. Closed Telemark

    2. Open Telemark and Feather Ending

    3. Top Spin

    4. Hover Feather

    5. Hover Telemark (and to PP)

    6. Natural Telemark

    7. Hover Cross

    8. Open Telemark, Natural Turn, Outside Swivel, Feather Ending

    9. Open Impetus

    10. Weave from PP

    11. Reverse Wave

    12. Natural Weave from PP


  • GOLD

    1. Natural Twist Turn

    2. Curved Feather to Back Feather

    3. Natural Zig Zag from PP

    4. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot

    5. Natural Hover Telemark

    6. Bounce Fallaway with Weave Ending


Viennese Waltz


    1. Natural Turn

    2. Reverse Turn

    3. Closed Changes Forward

    4. Closed Changes Backward



    1. Reverse Fleckerl


  • GOLD

    1. Natural Fleckerl

    2. Contra Check

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